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Managed Migration timetable announced!


DWP has created helpful information on its website to assist staff engaged in the process of migrating legacy benefit recipients to Universal Credit. It also compliments the information I’ve previously provided in earlier website bulletins

How is it designed to operate?

The process by which a legacy benefit…

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Universal Credit - April benefits uprating and rent increases!

Good morning

We are fast approaching April when several changes occur, which will impact on your tenants’ personal benefit entitlement and housing costs. The rises will be warmly welcomed, as many of the families have been struggling to make ends meet, especially considering higher living costs, and energy bills, which…

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Managed Migration worries and associated training

Good morning

I’m delighted to confirm the following training courses, in both Glasgow & Edinburgh are available to book.

Glasgow Course – 21st February in Tollcross Housing Association’s offices – How Universal Credit is contributing to rent arrears. Edinburgh Training Centre – Two courses covering a) Universal Credit’s View Article
Move to Universal Credit timetable clarified

Good afternoon

DWP published yesterday, a detailed timetable of how and when all “legacy” claimants, will be forced to migrate to Universal Credit, giving up, in the process, their existing legacy awards.

From May 2023, the department’s focus was on notifying Tax Credit recipients, of the need to transition. DWP…

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