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Housing Associations & Councils

Services for Social Landlords

Social Landlords currently provide around 70% of housing stock. In many cases, most of their tenants are at least partially reliant on Housing Benefit and, more recently, Universal Credit, to assist them pay their rent.  This part of the website has been designed specifically for social landlords (councils & housing associations) and others, involved in providing housing or support.

You’ll find the site offers the most up-to-date information on Universal Credit, the Benefits Cap, Discretionary Housing Payments and other related Welfare Reform changes. Since August 2013, access has been limited to registered members who pay an annual charge of £240, allowing 5 users (or, less than £1.00 per week per user) or £360 allowing an unlimited number of users per organisation. Membership guarantees: direct receipt of our regular updating bulletins, full access to the various sections covering, legislation, DWP guidance, UC calculator, and a Q & A or discussion forum, where members can table questions, respond to other member enquiries, and generally share knowledge and secure a greater understanding of how this new benefit operates.

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Questions & Answers

  • Question - Can DWP and Councils be forced to pay compensation for wholly avoidable rental loss experienced by landlords?
  • Question - How is the rent apportioned if there is a joint tenancy between 2 unrelated customers with rent shared on a "joint & several" liability basis?
  • Question - What is meant by the term "Whole month rule" and how does it typically apply?

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  • Access Exclusive Content aimed at landlords
  • Unlimited Information & Resources
  • Focus on tenants & landlords maximising their respective incomes and revenue streams
  • Ask Questions of our experts
  • Discuss topics and questions with other members
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Receive Training with Universal Credit Advice

In addition to Universal Credit, we regularly provide Housing Benefit & LHA advice, training courses, and advocacy for Housing Associations, Councils and Private Landlords and will continue to do so for as long as Housing Benefit & LHA continues to exist, which, as things stand, could be well after 2024 due to the need to continue providing financial assistance to claimants of pensionable age.

We also offer one-to-one consultations either in your office or online via Zoom, during which we can answer specific questions about the HB and UC schemes, how we can assist, through simply providing information, support or advocacy (Tribunal Representation). This can now be done, just as effectively and more affordably, via “Zoom”.

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  • Access Exclusive Content aimed at landlords
  • Unlimited Information & Resources
  • Focus on tenants & landlords maximising their respective incomes and revenue streams
  • Ask Questions of our experts
  • Discuss topics and questions with other members
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Monthly fees apply.