23 March, 2025
Supported Housing tenant's claim for Housing Benefit disappears into ether!Returning Members
Please Click HereOur registered members gain exclusive access to our vast information database, which we’ve designed specifically for Social Landlords (Councils & Housing Associations), Private Landlords and others, involved in the provision of housing accommodation and associated tenant support.
You will find the most up to date information on Universal Credit, the Benefits Cap, Discretionary Housing Payments and other related Welfare Reform Changes. This includes direct access to all legislation, DWP guidance, standard letters & forms, Q & A forum, UC calculator and all members automatically receive our regular updating bulletins.
BECOME A MEMBERWe regularly provide Universal Credit (introductory and/or advance) & associated Rent Arrears training courses for Housing Associations, Councils and Private Landlords and will continue offering similar sessions on Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowance for as long as both benefits continue to exist. We can also offer more specialist training on Exempt & Specified (Supported Accommodation) in collaboration with recognised experts in this niche area.
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