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Welfare Reforms - All Change for LHA

One of the key changes announced in Chancellor George Osborne’s Emergency Budget on taking office in 2010 has only recently been implemented yet its impact has already started to be felt in the private rented sector. From April 2012 Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates, that form of Housing Benefit paid…

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Welfare Reform - Wake-Up Call! (Housing Scotland)

In recent weeks my attention has been drawn to the increased media interest, and associated Ministerial statements, relating to the Welfare Reforms agenda, currently being debated by “Your Noble Lords”, at Report Stage. Even the clergy sense something is seriously amiss with the Coalition Government’s proposals. To continue reading, click…

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Welfare Reform - Wake-Up Call! (YPN)

As I write, I’m travelling north on the Pennine Express having delivered a couple of workshops at the National Landlords Conference which this year took place in Manchester. The conference organisers had given me a blank canvass and up until a few days before, my intention had been to concentrate…

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DWP Reponse to Hitting The Brick Wall Article

We contacted the Sectretary of State and the Minister for Welfare Reform.  The attached PDF is a scan of the response they sent. Click here for the PDF Response…

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Hitting The DWP Brick Wall

Most of the regular readers of this column will know that I’m a classic case of “Gamekeeper turned Poacher” having been Head of Benefits& Revenues and advisor to the Housing Benefit Standing Committee, Westminster. Click Here To Get The Full Article as a PDF First published: August 2011 in Your…

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