Returning Members

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Welcome returning members!

In order to access your existing account on the new website, you will need to create a new password. To do this:

Go to the reset password page and enter your email address used on the old website. You will receive an email with a link you can click to set your…
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Universal Credit - Temporary Absence

Good morning

As I’m sure you’re aware, under Housing Benefit/LHA rules there are a number of scenarios where tenants and family members can be absent from home for weeks/months without any adverse effect on the household HB/LHA entitlement, Some, but not all of these concessions, are available, as well, under…

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Universal Credit: Housing Costs Re-directed After Two Months

Monday 29th April was a red letter day in Ashton-Under-Lyne’s, Job Center Plus iffice, as it was from there that the DWP decided to launch its first Universal Credit Pathfinder project, and kick-off a massive exercise designed to revolutionise the social security system in the UK.  Amongst other things to…

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Welfare Reform Update

I’m sure you’re already aware that the Local Finance Act November 2012 makes provision for the localisation of a Council Tax Support scheme in England.  In Wales similar provisions have been made for a Council Tax Reduction scheme.  In doing so, the Government has effectively abolished the national Council Tax…

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Local Housing Allowance: Four More Years

The above headline title sounds a bit like an American election pledge, but it’s perhaps worth reminding those private landlords engaged in providing accommodation to Local Housing Allowance (LHA) tenants tat, even assuming the Coalition Governments meets its ambitious target of abolishing Housing Benefit (HB) by 2017, it will remain…

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