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Universal Credit – annual rent charge update!

Good evening

Rather disappointedly, DWP has failed, for the 8th successive year, to fulfil previous commitments of delivering a “bulk upload” solution for Universal Credit reliant tenants of Social Landlords and continues to place the onus squarely on the shoulders of tenants to report any rent changes via their

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SDP "Gateway" closure allowing Universal Credit claims!
Good evening


We explained, in our 15th January 2019 bulletin, how DWP had introduced a “Gateway” or “barrier to entry” to Universal Credit, applying to all legacy benefit claimants who had an ongoing entitlement to the £66.95 (weekly) Severe Disability Premium (SDP) in their Income Related JSA, ESA, Income Support.…

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Benefit related announcements - Chancellor's Spending Review!

Good morning

Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, delivered his “Spending Review” in the House of Commons yesterday. The news, as I’m sure you anticipated, is not good on a number of fronts, some of which could adversely impact on tenants and your organisation, as the economy struggles to recover and Government debt…

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