25 October, 2013
Bedroom Tax - Can't stay, Can't go!Returning Members
Please Click Here25 October, 2013
Bedroom Tax - Can't stay, Can't go!17 October, 2013
Rising political concern over Bedroom Tax implementation & effect!10 October, 2013
Social Landlord "whinging" in Pathfinders claim by Inside HousingCarl Brown, Deputy News Editor at Inside Housing posted a tweet the other day which caught my attention. He headlined a linked article – “More whinging from social landlords about UC – this time from associations in pathfinder areas! http://www.insidehousing.co.uk/regulation/landlords-slam-welfare-pilots/6529073.article.
I’m surprised at how little reaction there has been to…
01 October, 2013
Housing Benefit changesRead the following article http://www.guardian.co.uk/housing-network/2013/jan/07/private-landlords-give-universal-credit-a-chance
30 September, 2013
DWP announcesThe DWP announced, just yesterday, the phased roll-out of the “Claimant Commitment” to 20,000 Job Centres starting from October at a rate of 100 per month.
See DWP report >>> here .
So what does this actually mean?
Jobseekers UK wide will have to demonstrate the efforts…
25 September, 2013
DWP set to appeal Fife tribunal decisions23 September, 2013
Universal Credit - Annual Rent increase process fears!20 September, 2013
Universal Credit - How to Claim and Appeal18 September, 2013
Bedroom Tax - Joint Tenants, the size crieria and sanctions28 August, 2013
Universal Credit - Advice for frontline staffA briefing note designed for frontline staff who will be required to offer advice & support to tenants as UC is rolled out nationally.