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Move to Universal Credit timetable clarified

Good afternoon

DWP published yesterday, a detailed timetable of how and when all “legacy” claimants, will be forced to migrate to Universal Credit, giving up, in the process, their existing legacy awards.

From May 2023, the department’s focus was on notifying Tax Credit recipients, of the need to transition. DWP…

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DWP concede £10K overpayment appeal viewed as frivolous!

Good morning

In earlier bulletins, I highlighted the chaos & hardship caused by DWP’s “Risk Review” team. More recently, I’ve received several referrals concerning DWP’s “Enhanced Review” checks, which are causing UC to be unfairly refused at point of claim or existing awards being retrospectively reduced or cancelled, oftentimes, illegally.

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Managed Migration expansion starts to bite!

Good morning

In recent weeks, I’ve spent a large part of my time speaking to groups of social and private landlords, from Dundee to London, about the migration of “legacy benefit” claimants to Universal Credit. The training sessions have all been well attended, mainly by housing officers, their assistants, plus…

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Further expansion of migration to Universal Credit in your area!

Good afternoon

DWP updated its plans on the “Managed Migration” of Tax Credit customers, to Universal Credit. It expanded its programme, in June, to Greater Manchester and Northeast Yorkshire & the Humber districts.

In July, it intends further expansion into Kent, North London, Durham & Tees Valley, and West Yorkshire.

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DWP announce acceleration of the Managed Migration process!

Good morning

Our 23rd April bulletin explained, how DWP resumed its programme of forcibly moving “legacy benefit” recipients onto Universal Credit, and how it anticipated the migration process, of the remaining 2.6 million claimants, would complete by December 2024, except for those claiming solely, Income-related Employment Support Allowance (ESA).


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