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A case of Universal Credit – Snakes & Ladders!

Good morning

Last week, I received a call from one of my Letting Agent clients, seeking help with his young son’s claim for Universal Credit. The son had moved into a new apartment, and notified the change to Universal Credit, in early September, via his journal. Over the following 10…

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Chancellor's autumn statement impact on benefits administration

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The Chancellor, in his autumn statement, made several important announcements, which will significantly impact on the UK’s benefits regime. The changes, effective from April 2023, include, for example:

*Increases to Universal Credit’s, standard allowance, child, carer, disability and limited capability elements, all by the rate of inflation, fixed…

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Universal Credit - DWP system errors causing rent arrears!

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Historically, non-dependant deductions, relating to Housing Benefit, were recognised as one of the most common reasons for rent arrears, and especially difficult to grapple with, where the non-dep was working more than 16 hours per week, attracting deductions that either substantially reduced or wiped out the HB award.…

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UC Direct Payments - changing your bank details.

Good morning

In recent months, I’ve been contacted by a few PRS landlords. Each was encountering difficulties with DWP, in relation to existing Direct Payments, following either a change of bank or account details, with their current bank (e.g., move to limited company). As required, each notified DWP, anticipating its…

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