07 August, 2015
George Osborne's budget - a welfare reforms perspective!Returning Members
Please Click Here07 August, 2015
George Osborne's budget - a welfare reforms perspective!07 August, 2015
Universal Credit - Documetns you need at point of claiming!DWP have helpfully produced a diagram to help tenant and landlords understanding of the information needed to process a claim. The diagram could be easily incorporated into a landlord’s leaflet etc,.
07 August, 2015
Universal credit - How to make your claim?DWP provide an explanation of how to make a claim and what supporting documents are needed.
07 August, 2015
Universal Credit - An introductionDWP provide an explanation, including links to other parts of UC administration and components.
02 August, 2015
DWP announce 25% cut in DHP funding 2015-16Good Morning,
DWP recently announced the Discretionary Housing Payments budget for 2015/16.
Surprisingly, this year’s budget has been cut by around 25% from £165M to £125M nationally – through cuts to previous core funding, benefits cap and LHA allocations, although, in the case of LHA a further £45M of targetted funding…
23 July, 2015
Universal Credit - DWP publishes more details on tranches 3 & 4!16 July, 2015
Tribunal Service - Advice about appeals concerning couples (Joint Parties)The Tribunal Service has recently written to councils, RSLs and other bodies, who employ welfare rights staff, pointing to a Representative’s briefing which explains some important procedural differences concerning Universal Credit appeals, involving joint claims from couples.
The briefing…
13 July, 2015
Universal Credit - New e-mail APA application process introduced from today!As of today, 15th July 2015, a new e-mail facility is available allowing Social Landlords to make Alternative Payment Arrangement (APAs) applications, in respect of Universal Credit.
DWP introducing the new approach said:
“We are committed to making UC work for landlords as well as claimants. As a…
13 July, 2015
Universal Credit - Helpful information for staff & tenants!Good morning,
One of our website members has shared with me a copy of a very informative & helpful Universal Credit leaflet they have produced for tenants in preparation for rollout later this year. They also agreed that I can share this information with other members, believing, like me, this…
08 July, 2015
Universal Credit - New e-mail APA application process extended to private Landlords!A few weeks ago, a new e-mail facility was made available, allowing Social Landlords to make Alternative Payment Arrangement (APAs) applications, including requests for payment redirection, in respect of Universal Credit. by e-mail, rather than sending applications and associated back-up evidence, by post, to Wolverhamption. I’m pleased to say, DWP…