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Managed Migration and critical role played by specialist staff!

Good morning

In today’s bulletin, we highlight the critical part played by specialist benefits staff, in helping tenants overcome the ever-increasing obstacles placed in their path, by DWP’s mishandling of claims, its seeming reluctance or inability to remedy errors, and, on occasions, downright intransigenence.

West of Scotland Housing Association (WOSHA)…

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Notifying DWP of a change in your tenants' rental charge!

Good morning

An increasing number of my clients have been expressing concern about the ongoing fiasco, relating to the April rental charge, uprating exercise, which has contributed to some tenants failing to report the change in rent level to the DWP, in some cases creating under or over-payments. As DWP…

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Can DWP waive recovery of an overpayment?

Dear Member

In recent weeks, there’s been considerable Parliamentary scrutiny of the number of Overpayment debts that are being recovered from UC claimants’ monthly entitlement, leaving, in some cases, less than 60% of their Standard Allowance (e.g. single claimant over 25 – £180 pcm) to sustain themselves, during the month,…

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DWP's latest Landlord Portal broken commitment!

Good morning

I’m sure, like me, you’ll not have been surprised by DWP’s latest update (24th April) on the promised, SRS Landlord Portal solution to the annual rent uprating exercise. Yet another delay and broken commitment!


DWP’s explanation – “the delivery of a process that meets your needs continues…

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