Housing, Income & Financial Inclusion Managers

I write to draw your attention to a number of forthcoming Universal Credit training events in Aberdeen, Newcastle, Leeds and Liverpool, specifically relating to the expansion of Natural and Managed Migration and the impact this could have on your “working age” tenants, your rental income streams and demands for support from your most vulnerable tenants.

Details of the marketed course, be found here: https://universalcreditadvice.com/housing-associations-councils/training-courses/

Feedback from earlier courses, relating to councils and Housing Associaitions can be found here:  https://universalcreditadvice.com/testimonials/

Managed Migration, as I’m sure you’re aware is the last and most critical leg of UC rollout. Between now and December 2023 DWP plan to add another 5 million claimants to the caseload, many of whom will be your tenants. Currently, DWP reckons it’s completed 15-25% of your working age caseload, which suggests over the next 3-4 years you can expect 3-5 times more UC tenants reliant on Universal Credit and the “housing costs element”.

DWP reckons it’s ready to handle the challenge. Few Welfare Reform commentators have any faith in its belief, based on experiences over the past 6 years. It remains to be seen how they’ll cope. One thing is certain; this stage in the transition from “legacy claims” to UC will be the most challenging for all concerned.

I hope you and your colleagues find the information of interest. If you do, you can book using the online form or, if you prefer, drop Linzi@ucadvice.co.uk an email with details of your nominees and she’ll organise places.


Bill Irvine
UC Advice & Advocacy Ltd
Tel: 07733 080 389