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Housing Benefit - Key facts and Overpayment concerns!

In earlier bulletins I’ve commented on the critical importance of Housing Benefit (HB) to RSL revenue streams. With all the attention being focused on the Bedroom Tax and Universal Credit it’s easy to overlook the scheme still has still another 5 years, at least, to run, and probably many more as the…

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Demonstration Projects outcomes delayed until December 2013

The DWP announced yesterday, that the 6 demonstration projects, designed to assess the amount of assistance tenants will require, under Universal Credit (UC) with budgeting, opening bank accounts and paying rent to their landlord, have been extended by 6 months, until December 2013. Significantly, this means the projects won’t…

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Foster Carers - Extra Bedroom FAQ's advice from DWP

DWP has just issued a briefing note, in response to frequently asked questions (FAQ’s), which is designed to help you understand how the “extra room” should be assessed, when dealing with formally approved Foster Carers; “family and friend” fostering placements(Kinship in Scotland); and those awaiting to be formally approved as…

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Universal Credit - DWP update on Alternative Payment Arrangements

The DWP has just provided an update to its February 2013 Local Support Services Framework (LSSF) report which gives much more detail on what is likely to happen to claimants, needing budgeting and alternative payment arrangements, as Universal Credit is rolled out nationally from October 2013. The update firstly…

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Benefits Cap - National Implementation programme

As you know, from my earlier bulletins, the Benefits Cap (limiting of Social Security household benefit awards to £350 or £500 per week, depending on household make-up) is designed to ensure workless households should no longer receive more in social security benefits than the average earnings of working households. The…

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Universal Credit - Super duper IT system revealed!

Universal Credit took it first hesitant steps yesterday in the Ashton-under-Lyne, Jobcentre Plus Pathfinder with the other three projects due to commence in July. The Pathfinders, as their name suggests, were designed to test out the preparedness of the DWP and Councils, and especially the super-duper, real-time, IT system, that…

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Universal Credit - Payment Direct trigger revealed!

Direct Payment Trigger proposals revealed The DWP has just issued the latest of its Housing Benefit circulars A13/2013 titled “Universal Credit: Change of circumstances affecting Housing Benefit”. As I waded my way, slowly through its contents, I came across, on page 16 (one of the annexes) the following paragraph, addressing…

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Universal Credit - Payments to Household

As I expected, my bulletins tend to produce queries on a number of fronts. One question which has arisen on a few occasions is: “How will we be able to pursue the tenant’s son or daughter if the “household” payment is made to them?” The question is based on a…

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