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Bedroom Tax - Human Rights defeat for the Government!
Ian Duncan-Smith & Lord Freud must have been drowning their sorrows last night, having heard from civil servants that yet another Scottish Tribunal Judge, this time in Glasgow, has set-aside a Bedroom Tax sanction that would otherwise have applied to a severely disabled woman (suffering from…
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Universal Credit roll-out to Wigan

Hard on the heels of Thursday’s announcement on Direct Payments, Lord Freud has intimated, just this morning, that the 2nd Pathfinder is to start today in Wigan.
The format is identical to what happened in Ashton-under-Lyne, where to control numbers, only certain single claimants could claim. So those claimants who…

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Bedroom Tax - Surely, that can't be right?

We all expect, the “Bedroom Tax” to throw up many anomalies and horror stories after All Fools’ Day but here’s one I came across earlier today that seems to be taxing even the best Welfare Rights workers. What chance do mere mortals have if the experts are struggling with the…

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Universal Credit Implementation programme

One of the most frequent questions I get asked by my RSL clients and the delegates who attend our seminars is – when will Universal Credit directly affect our tenants?
The truth is none of us know for certain at this stage. The DWP report “Local Support Services Framework”…

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