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Universal Credit explained - Management & Members briefing
Good morning, As the roll-out of Universal Credit expands geographically and the “barriers to entry” slowly disolve, more and more of your tenants will become affected and need your assistance to understand the new scheme and make their claim. Not surprisingly, Housing Associations are anxious to secure a better understanding…
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Universal Credit explained from a landlords' viewpoint!
Good morning, I’m delighted to announce the launch of our revamped website, designed by housing professionals to be used by social and private landlords’ staff to ensure their tenants maximise their entitlement to Universal Credit, minimising, in turn, the opportunity for rent arrears to occur. Our new site includes a…
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What's so different about Universal Credit?

Good morning,

I’m delighted to announce the launch of our revamped website which now includes a new section designed to explain the key features of the new scheme, including links to various websites, critical information needed to support claims, report changes, ensure payment is made correctly, on time and keeping…

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Universal Credit - What happens to

Good morning,

My most recent bulletin (17th April)—what-happens-to-the-uc-claim-when-couples-split certainly produced a reaction from income management, welfare rights and financial inclusion staff. Most were surprised, even astounded, by my revelations and the potential adverse impact this could have on rental collection.

I’ve since been inundated with further questions; the…

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Universal Credit - What happens to the UC claim when couples split - complicated & scary!

Good morning,

In an earlier bulletin—beware-of-the-whole-month-approach-and-its-threat-to-rent-collection I alerted you to the potential problems, caused by the “whole month rule” when changes in circumstances occur in the tenant’s household which then have a knock-on effect on their Universal Credit entitlement. I’ve been pursuing some real case “what if” scenarios…

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Universal Credit - Digital System on its way?

Good morning,

Rollout update

After a series of lengthy operational delays and related criticism from the likes of the Work & Pensions Committee, CIH, National Housing Federation, it appears that Universal Credit’s expansion could quite significantly increase from May 2016 due to very positive feedback on the “digital system” currently…

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Universal Credit - Annual rent increase process revealed!

Good morning,

DWP recently notified Housing Associations, in those areas already affected by the national rollout, of a process designed to partially automate, the April 2015 uprating of tenants’ rents. It must be stressed, this ONLY applies to April 2015 and does not affect those tenants who continue…

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