31st October, 2017
Good morning
DWP has published the latest version of its application form (UC47) designed to assist landlords secure payment of the housing element, rather than it being paid to their tenant. The updated form can be found by clicking the link and should be used immediately. Failure to use the correct version could result in your application being delayed or simply deleted, so make sure that doesn’t happen – use this version!
This latest version includes a few changes to the original format. You can still apply for both a Landlords’Managed Payment and/or Third Party Deduction to recover rent arrears.
Landlords who click the web page link UC47 form, will now see an online version of the UC 47) form which prompts you to answer a number of set questions, designed to detemine the most approriate version i.e. secure or non-secure?
You are prompted to insert the tenant’s postcode and confirm what type of email address you use. Having done so, the correct version of the UC 47 is presented for completion. It also advises which e-mail address should be used to forward the completed form to either the “full” or “live” service mailbox. This should eliminate any errors being made and should hopefully streamline and quicken the process.
You will still be able to access the UC47 Managed Payment to landlord form link from the DWP Universal Credit and Landlords web page.
Landlords who want to know more about how the system works or who have any other non-case specific question, should contact their local Jobcentre Plus engagement team or Partnership Manager.
DWP has also updated its guides explaining what Universal Credit means for landlords, local authorities and tenants.
If you require any further assistance with this or any other aspect of Universal Credit or the wider reforms, please contact bill@ucadvice.co.uk or phone 07733 080 389.
Bill Irvine
UC Advice & Advocacy Ltd