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Managed Migration, Transitional Protection & associated areas of scheme

Good morning

DWP started the last stage of its “managed” or “forced” migration of legacy benefit recipients, in May, 22. During the past 6 months, the focus has been on Tax Credit recipients, with 500,000 being notified. Around 25% of those notified failed to make their claim, before the 2nd deadline date, so found themselves with no benefit income for a period before they eventually claimed.

From April 2024, DWP plans to focus attention on other legacy benefit claimants e.g., Income Support, JSA, Housing Benefit and expect that be September 2024 the vast majority will have, at least, been issued with their Migration Notice. DWP predicts all remaining groups (except ESA) will have received MM Notices during 2024 and expect to complete this stage by March 2025.

Around 70% of your working age tenants, who were claiming Income Support (IS), JSA (IR), Working Tax Credits (WTC), and Housing Benefit, have already transferred, either by choice (believing they may be better-off), through persuasion by their Work Coach or due to natural changes in their circumstances. Other groups, including those working and topping up their low incomes with Working Tax Credits have been receiving MM notices, giving them 3 months to make their transition to UC. So, far, around 25% of those WTC claimants notified, have failed to claim within the 3 month window, which is double the expected rate and a cause for concern as legacy benefits are automatically ended.

This course examines how this most complicated stage, should operate; the importance of tenants claiming UC in advance of set deadlines; what happens if they don’t; and how the Transitional Protection (TP) scheme, could, if administered correctly, mitigate some of the losses that would otherwise be experienced. However, there is already concern being expressed about DWP staff assessing awards of TP manually – not good!

By the end of the session, delegates should fully understand the process, the implications of responding to notices, within the deadlines, the importance of mitigating losses by securing transitional protection, and overall implications for both tenants and housing providers.

The course will be limited to between 16-20 delegates. If you’re interested in attending this event, please contact or myself –

Alternatively, the same course can be run in-house at a fixed price per session. If you’d like to find out more about this option, contact us ASAP to arrange suitable dates.


Bill Irvine

UC Advice & Advocacy Ltd

Telephone 07733 080 389 or 01698 424301



*Which groups will receive a MM Notice first?

*Are single claimants treated differently to couples?

*How long have they got to respond and what MUST they do to ensure entitlement?

*What happens if they don’t respond by 3 month deadline, detailed on Notice, do they get a 2nd chance?

*Can the claim be backdated in the event of failure to comply?

*What’s meant by “2 week run-on” and who does this apply to?

*What is Transitional Protection; who does it apply to; how long does it last; how is it calculated?

*What’s happened so far, in terms of problems, like late or no claims being made?

*How to ensure tenants are well aware of this critical change and how best to avoid difficulties later on.

*How to deal with tenants who mistakenly believe, they don’t need to transfer to UC or are concerned by any aspect of having to claim UC and give up their legacy award.

Who should attend?

Any member of staff (Housing officers, assistancts, WROs, Money Advice, Finacial Inclusion), who has responsibility for assisting tenants make claims on time, and deal with any problems associated with this, plus rent collection/arrears staff, who deal with the consequences of claims being suspended, cancelled making it difficult for tenant to honour his/her contractual obligations.

Bill Irvine

Bill spent 30 years in local government, holding senior positions in Social Work, Housing & Finance. He left as Head of Housing Services (Benefits, Revenues & Advice) at one of the UK’s largest councils. In 2010 he set up a new consultancy business “Housing Benefit Advice & Advocacy” offering advice, training, and advocacy to Councils, RSL’s and private landlords throughout the UK.

Since January 2012 he has been at the forefront of Universal Credit training for both SRS and Private Sector landlords, on behalf of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), individual Housing Associations, Charitable & Volunatary bodies, GB wide.

He now owns and operates publishes regular updating bulletins on Universal Credit to more than 1300 registered subscribers and represents both tenant and landlords at Fist and Upper-tier tribunals where problems can’t be resolved through negotiation.